Daisy - The Doom 2016 Mega Texture Mod Kit

Allows creation of mega texture mods that can be distributed alongside other game mods.

❤️ Donate:

  • I take time out of my day to make this happen.
  • Show your support: HERE

💾 Download and version info:

IMPORTANT: This software comes with no warranty what so ever.

NOTICE: Please link back to this page in order for others to install the daisy mod to ensure they’re using the latest version. Modpacks will be backwards compatible going forward.

  • Download (Windows x64): Daisy Mod (v1.02).
    • Windows 10+ officially supported.
    • Some users have reported success on linux via wine.
  • Download (Windows x64): Daisy Editor (v1.02).
    • Windows 10+ officially supported.

👉 Usage:

Daisy features two separate components, the daisy mod, and the daisy editor. If you just want to install mods follow the mod installation steps. If you want to create mods, follow both of the installation steps.

Daisy Mod

  • Unzip the latest daisy mod above.
  • Copy dinput8.dll to the installation directory of doom 2016.
    • It should be placed next to DOOMx64vk.exe.
  • Create a pmx folder in the same directory, this is where you’ll install mods to.
    • Both the .pmx and .pmxd files must be copied to your newly created pmx folder in order for them to be discovered.
  • Make sure your in-game settings are set to use the Vulkan graphics api, daisy will ignore the OpenGL version.
  • That’s it! Daisy should already be replacing any modified textures.

NOTICE: Daisy has support for loading Snaphak and LegacyMod by renaming their dinput8.dll files to snaphak.dll and legacy_mod.dll respectively.

Daisy Editor

  • Unzip the latest daisy editor above.
  • Launch daisy-editor.exe.
  • Follow the steps in order:
    • Provide the path to DOOMx64vk.exe.
    • Create or open an existing pmx mod, you can save them directly in your daisy mod pmx folder to be able to test them live, details below.
    • Select the mega texture you want to modify, searching if you prefer.
    • Provide at least one new texture, daisy will only replace ones you’ve provided, and use the originals if you omit one.
      • It’s recommended you extract the material and use it’s images from Revenant as a reference, it must be the same size!
    • Press Bake to create and save your changes.
  • If you want to test in game live, make sure to pause before pressing Bake.
  • Once finished, you can use the command vt_restart to reload all pmx files and mega textures.

Releasing your mod

  • In order to release your mod, you need to distribute the *.pmx and *.pmxd files together, and instruct the user to install the daisy mod.
  • Once you are ready to distribute your mod, it is highly recommended to run Defrag in order to optimize, and shrink the size of your mod pack.

📌 Versioning:

  • 1.02 - Performance improvements.
  • 1.01 - Fix error formatting. Add support for loading snaphak/legacy mod.
  • 1.00 - Initial Release.